He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye. (Zechariah 2:8)

The apple of the eye is the pupil, a delicate part of the eye and is a conventional Hebrew metaphor expressing something greatly valued and dear. This verse shows that God`s children are valued highly and very dear to Him. We feel protected in God`s presence. Whenever we are oppressed by our adversaries we must remember that our Lord is the protective shade of His people.

God`s children are the apple of God`s eye, precious and important to Him. Keep remembering always that we are more precious to God.

The Lord of hosts is with us. He is our shield, our shade. He will never allow anyone to touch us and our blessings we received and inherited from our Heavenly Father. God didn`t allow anyone to touch Joseph. Even the brothers of Joseph treated him cruelly and sold him into slavery; God`s vision was fulfilled.

Every promise given unto you will be fulfilled .All visions will happen in near future. Your eyes will no more see your oppressors and Egyptians. All wicked neighbours who seized the inheritance given to you by God will be uprooted from their lands. Even if they try to attack and plunder you, they will be completely uprooted and destroyed. Because God is keeping you as the apple of His eye and will hide you under the shadow of His wings.

No one can touch you

No one can touch your inheritance

No one can touch your heavenly blessings.

