The word of God refers to anything that God has spoken directly. God spoke to Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. He recited the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai, for the entire nation of Israel. God also spoke through the prophets and Apostles in the New Testament.

‎          The word of God is dynamic and powerful, and it accomplishes great things. It is the creative word. According to the creation account, things came into existence when God spoke his word (Genesis 1:3_9). It is by the word of the Lord were the heavens made (psalm 33:6). The word of God has the power to sustain creation. "God upholds all things by the powerful word" (Hebrews 1:3). We are also sustained by His word.

‎          The most important thing is that the word of God has the power to impart new life. Peter testifies that we are born again by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. (1 peter 1:23). It is for this reason that Jesus himself is called "the word of life".

‎          Finally the word of God also releases power, grace, revelation by which we grow in faith and commitment to Christ. Peter echoes the same thought when he writes that, by drinking the pure milk of the word of God we grow in our salvation.

‎          Today I urge everyone to spend more time in meditating the word of God which creates a new heart , gives new spirit, power, and also sustains us . It really does great things in and through us.

‎          Let the word of God be your Joy and Delight.

