Ye are an Holy Priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices (1 Peter 2:5).

In the Old Testament, the priesthood was restricted to a qualified minority. Their main activity was to offer sacrifices to God on behalf of his people and to communicate with God. (Exodus 28:1) Now through Jesus Christ every believer has been made a priest before God.

Because we are chosen and made priest`s, we have to follow certain norms and desire the Word of God. We are also set apart from the world and its culture, in order to belong completely to God. (Acts 20:28)

The chosen people are precious in the sight of God and now called as priests. They have direct access to God through Christ (1 Peter 3:18) and are under obligation to live a holy life (1 Peter 1:14-17). God wants the priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices.

Apostle Peter clearly lists the spiritual sacrifices. (1 Peter 2:5-12).

(1) Living in obedience to God and non-conformity to the word.

(2) Praying to God and praising God.

(3) Serving God with whole hearts and willing minds.

(4) Performing good deeds.

(5) Presenting our bodies as instruments of righteousness.

(6) To intercede and pray for one another and declare the Word of God.

(7) To administer baptism and the Lord`s Supper.

This is our new position and we are God`s own possession.

