You are the salt of the earth.

‎          The sermon on the mount is accepted by Christians as the measure of faith and life that Jesus set for all true believers. The very important fact is that we are salt of the earth. Salt is valuable to give flavour and to preserve from corruption.

‎          Those who believe in God are to be Godly examples in this world and to resist moral decay and corruption found in the society. As long as we are in this earth, the forces of evil are at work. We are responsible to hold those forces back because we are the salt of the earth. When we lose the flavour we become good for nothing, only to be thrown and trampled underfoot by men.

‎          In sermon on the mount Jesus warned us that it is men`s feet that will trample the saltless church. We are here to give the earth flavour in the sight of God. We are the only factor that makes earth acceptable to him, through our prayers, praises, and preaching word of God.

‎          As long as we are on this earth our responsibility is to live in such a way that we commend this earth to God. Even though we have weakness, failures, lack of prayer and meditation of God`s word, which causes to lose our flavour, God wants to put us back in charge. No matter our circumstances "He is the God of all grace" (1 peter 5:10).

‎          Through His grace we become salt of the earth.

‎          We are channel of blessing to all.

‎          Be blessed and become a blessing to all in this earth.

