The gates of hell shall not prevail. Matthew 16:18.

The gates of hell represent Satan and all the evil in the world striving to destroy the church and children of God. Here in this verse, Jesus promises that in spite of Satan doing his worst, churches becoming lukewarm and false teachers infiltrating God`s kingdom, the church will not be destroyed.

By His, sovereign grace, wisdom and power, God will always have a remnant of believers and churches throughout redemptive history. We as God`s true people shall demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit against Satan, sin, diseases and the world. If we stand together as church, Satan and his entire host cannot destroy us.

Jesus Christ is the rock and the great foundation of the church. He is the living and corner Stone, and all of us who believe in Christ become part of the structure of the spiritual house which God is building.

When we confess Jesus and His truthful Words He will surely build His church on us. Now I urge everyone to be like Apostle Peter in confessing the words of Jesus, so that the spiritual life of many will be built upon.

Let us represent the kingdom of God, and proclaim salvation in the name of Jesus. No evil can enter and the gates of hell can never overcome us.


