God hears your Prayers.

             Every child of God should have time to be alone with God and a place to be with God. Jesus himself had his places to pray and be with his Father. We find this in (Mark 1:35, Luke 4:42).

Prayer is to talk with God and it is to have fellowship with God. Every day in the morning first we must commit our day to God. In the evening we must give thanks for His grace and mercies. In times when Holy Spirit prompts us to pray we must pray accordingly. Surely our Father promises to reward our prayers by answering and bless with his intimate presence.

Prayer also involves worship of the Heavenly Father. As a Father God loves us, cares for us, protects us, covers us with his wings and guides us. Through Christ we have access to Him at any time to worship Him and communicate our needs to Him. When we worship we honour God, and humble our souls in His presence. Also we receive more grace by drawing near to Him.

Sometimes our prayers are tears in the presence of God like Hannah.   (1 Samuel 1:7, 8). But for Nehemiah it is mourning, fasting, weeping in prayer before God. For Esther it is fasting for three days with all her maidens together. For King Solomon it is to offer sacrifices to God in prayer, Peace offering, and burnt offering.

We find God`s response to all his children. To Solomon God affirmed that He had heard and answered. God said He would establish his house and Kingdom.

Likewise when we pray and worship God, surely He will bless you all abundantly. It may be fasting, or mourning, or by sitting with tears in His feet. God will regard the prayers of his children that we raise in humble adoration and surely will not despise.

Do all your deeds with prayers, supplication and thanksgiving.

Prayer leads us to victorious life.

God bless and be with you all.
