I have set the Lord always before me.

‎          God shows the way that leads to life, when we always keep him before us. The Psalmist in Psalm 16: 8 says, God is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. This is true in our lives also. Only thing is we must keep God always before us.

‎          God protects and sustains us. We have the joy of total security that his faithful care provides. David in this psalm takes God as refuge. Apart from God there is no good in this life, and no blessing. Paul also expressed this same truth in Phillippians 1:21 " For to me to live is Christ".

‎          To set Lord always before is also to seek and cherish the intimate fellowship with God. Only the continual presence of God at our right hand brings His guidance, protection, resurrection, and eternal blessings. He is the way and the truth. Surely He will guide our feet in the path of Peace.

‎          Definitely God is going to guide you in an excellent path and no evil can befall on you.

‎          Set God always before you.

