God`s command given to his children is that "fear God". To fear God is to regard Him with holy awe, and reverence, and to honour God because of His great glory majesty and power. Fear of the Lord is a loving reverence for God that includes submission to the Lordship and to the commands of Lord.

‎          When the Israelites at Mt. Sinai, saw God manifest himself through thunders, lightnings, a thick cloud, and the voice of the trumpet loudly, they all trembled in fear (Exodus19:16). In psalm 33 the psalmist says" let all the earth fear the Lord.

‎          Fear of the Lord causes believers to place their faith and trust in him alone. In Exo14:13, psalm115:11, we have a call to fear the Lord, to trust in the Lord, for He is our help, and shield. When we fear God it gives us confident hope, we receive his forgiving love and mercy. Also it motivates God`s people to worship him and depart from evil

‎          God has promised to reward all those who fear him. "By humility and fear of the Lord, are riches and honour and life." Proverbs 22:4. God`s compassion and love is great when we fear him. As children of God we receive faithfulness and goodness in our lives when we fear him.

‎          We all must fear God and keep his Commandments to receive the provisional for our daily life, the Anointing of the Holy spirit, the grace and protection.

Fear the Lord

‎          Flee from evil

‎          Follow His Commandments

God bless you all abundantly

